Time Lapse

Time Lapse – 2

Following on from our temporal expressions task I decided to do another time-lapse. As my first time-lapse showed, it is a great way of distorting time and can simply be produced with the movement of clouds. For my second time-lapse though, I want to branch out a bit a more, give the audience more to view. This is exactly what I did when going home in my reading week. As I live directly near a river I thought it would be to good a chance to miss. I feel this time-lapse has great depth to it, from the rope movement in the foreground, to movement in the tide and further movement in the sky.

What I truly love about time-lapses are how simple but effective they can be. I can place my iPad near my river for five house or so and capture quite something fascinating. Overall I feel this is a great example of how this course is already opening up my creative eye, from the relatively mundane clouds to the always eye-catching Norfolk broad.